So, on this National Coming Out Day, the GLBT Latino History Project is excited to feature some of our supporters who live out and proud. Below they share their stories, why they decided to come out and why it's vital that all LGBT people take that important step out of the closet. These brave men and women represent some of the best of our community and we are grateful to them for sharing with the world.
Why are you proud to be out?
Cristhian Alonsso Lazaro
I was stressed and tired of lying. I wanted to come out. I was tired of pretending to be someone else . I wanted to be out and be me.
Lives in Washington, D.C. Orginally from Trujillo, Peru |
Carlos Valdovinos
I'm out because i needed to breath, I wanted to love and I wanted to live!
Ivan Aguilar
My name is Ivan. I am 21 years old and currently living in Maryland. People knowing my sexuality has been one of best things that I've done . Being accepted from friends and family and having their support is one of the blessings that I have. I can't ask for more :) We're all equal and should be respected for what we are and for what we like. I am happy to say that I have accomplished so many goals in life. One of them has been working with "Empoderate," a youth center for youths. I am happy to say that I am their king for this year. Remember to be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
Alexa Elizabeth Rodriguez
Ms. Alexa Elizabeth is originally from Usulután, El Salvador where founded Mi Nueva Familia, a working group for people living with HIV and Transgender women. She also worked with the PanAmerican Social Marketing Organization (PASMO) as a health educator. In 2010, Alexa arrived in the United States and continued her work as an HIV/STI prevention educator with groups such as Mariposas, Empoderáte Youth Group, Casa de Maryland and Virginia Department of Public Health. She currently is a promoter for Miss Maryland Latina, an advisory committee member for the Latino GLBT History Project an avid advocate for Transgender Latina equality and the recently crowned Miss Latino GLBT History Project 2012-13.
La Sra. Alexa Elizabeth Rodríguez es de Usulután, El Salvador, donde fundó Mi Nueva Familia, un grupo para las personas que viven con el VIH y mujeres transgéneros. También trabajó con la organización Panamericana de Social Marketing (PASMO), como un educador de salud. En 2010, Alexa llegó a los Estados Unidos y continuó su trabajo como educadora en prevención del VIH / ITS en los grupos Mariposas, Centro Juvenil Empodérate, Casa de Maryland y el Departamento de Salud de Virginia. Es promotora de Miss Maryland Latina, miembro del comité del Proyecto Histórico de la Comunidad Latina GLBT, una defensora de los derechos de la comunidad transgénero latina y la recientemente coronada Miss Latina GLBT History Project 2012-13.
Roger Ortiz
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Political Director
Los Angeles, CA
I'm out for those that can't be. I'm out in politics to assure we are a force to be reckoned with!
Jonathan Morales
There are so many reasons to "come out," but the most important one is so you can be true to yourself. I'm so much more happier out than I ever was in the closet, hiding from my friends and family. Those that accept me, I embrace them; those that don't, well I hope one day they change their mind. There is nothing wrong about being gay.
Lena Hernandez
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."--Gandhi
I am proud to have done many things, seen many things, and be many things. Among them, I am PROUD to be a Lesbian. My hope is that by living as an example others will be inspired to do the same.
Alejandro Contreras
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Current City: Washington, DC Hometown: Guadalajara, Jalisco |
It is important to me to be out because I stay true to myself. Because what you see is what I am. I enjoy every single day, every move I make & every step I take.
Es súper importante para mi vivir en forma plena mi orientación sexual. El sentirme feliz y aceptarme tal cual soy me hace una persona integra; y me deja disfrutar cada instante en mi vida.
Ariel Cerrud
Unit Director Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland Metropolitan Area |
Working with youth is a privilege I get to have every day. Being out as a young queer Latino professional has always been important to me because it allows those youth the ability to see that you CAN be true to yourself and succeed in whatever career they set out to pursue.
So proud to be part of this ... Yeahhhhhhh